Finding the right gift can be stressful, especially when the receiver will be opening gifts from others, such as at birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and bridal and baby showers.
 “A lot of times, we tend to give things that will make for a great time when the bow comes off, but what people actually want to receive, if you ask them, are things that are not great in the moment but great down the line, from a long-term perspective.“ An assistant professor of marketing tells very well.

She led research that examined 12 studies about gift-giving. Researchers discovered that gift givers overestimate how much a recipient’s liking of their gift increases or decreases when it compares favorably or unfavorably to other gifts.

This is driven by the giver’s incorrect assumption that recipients appreciate the value of a gift over its thoughtfulness.

Mistaking cost for value

Research points out that all people involved in gift-giving and receiving focus on thoughtfulness but will incorrectly believe that others focus on relative gift value.
 Because of this misconception, when givers know beforehand that others will be giving gifts on the same occasion, they are more likely to spend more money upgrading their gifts or skip the gift-giving occasion.

For example, if a gift giver plans to give a Rs 10,000 gift card but knows someone will give a Rs 20,000 gift card, they are more likely to give one up, as opposed to knowing someone will give only a Rs 5000 gift card.

Because what the gift giver thinks is a thoughtful gift may not be perceived that way by the receiver, and the risk of choosing the wrong gift is higher, especially when compared to buying for price.

Since gift givers are often gift recipients at some point, can’t they just tap into their gift-receiving side?

Research says it’s not that easy.

“When in one role, it is not easy to take a step back and think, ‘What would it be like if I were in the other role?’ We just aren't hard-wired to do so, much like we don't take the time to think about the other person's perspective when in an argument or a negotiation.”
 However, research shows that when givers are forced to think of themselves as a gift recipient when buying a gift, they often make better choices.

Tips for Buying a Gift

To take the stress out of gift-giving, consider the following:

Forget About the Unveiling:

Rather than envisioning the moment when the recipient opens your gift, give your loved one the choice the choice to choose it for themselves by giving them gift cards.

Don’t Compare your gift to others:

Buy the gift you think is best suited, and don’t worry about how it will compare to what other people give.

Put yourself in the receiver’s shoes:
As hard as it can be, imagine how you feel and think when receiving gifts.

Gift Out of the Blue :

While we often give gifts on holidays and birthdays, we rarely give people gifts unexpectedly. An e-gift card is an ideal way to surprise your loved ones and give them the command to choose as per their liking.

It takes simply three steps to put a smile on the faces of your loved ones with ‘GIFTKARTE’ e-gift cards.

Step 1: Simply go to the website.

Step 2: Select the universal gift card or a specific favorite brand from a selection of 160+ brands, and type in a personalized message.

Step 3: An e-gift is sent!

So next time you want to send a birthday gift to Pakistan from anywhere or you want to make your loved one feel special on their birthdays, skip the hassle and go digital with GiftKarte!
 We make it easy to stay connected with your loved ones back home, no matter the distance.
 Visit GiftKarte today and start sending gifts!

If you’ve found just what you’ve been looking for, head on now to and share the joy of giving!

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